joi, 6 noiembrie 2008

everything will be ok....

a long day.... it's so bad the impression that nothing is going good, that you are struggling to suucced in something and that people around you don't notice you....thank God that there are people who are there to give you a hand....anytime..anywhere..... thanks Louie..for this...i have such a cool feeling to know that i've made new friends, true friends,...whom i can count in any moment of my have a busy period.... i hope everything will go out ok...... with school....with Aiesec.....personal life....Globall Village,.... i don't want to dissapoint people.....but...hope never dies...and..never give up.....are the things that i can do this...and i will not give up..... there are people who trust in me....and i will do my best to not letting them'm walking with a smile upon my face....

2 comentarii:

ilinca spunea...

multa bafta...
si sa zambesti cat mai mult..k restu trec si dupa o vreme doar o sa iti amintesti cu drag de tooaaata zapaceala si agitatia!
te pup!
:) take care!

Lou 's hakuna matata land spunea...

"one of those days" right kiddo?
well, don't panik, there will be plenty more (hihi-this is me, being mean :P)but the good news is: you have friends by your matter what :) so keep smiling, keep walking, keep being yourself :*