duminică, 31 mai 2009

The crazyness of the month of MAY

This is a short version in pictures, of what happened in the month of may.....it was a awesome time, a time spend with my friends, and with memories which i will never forget...Trix.... Roxi&Silvia&Stefanutz's graduation....and all the hang out... all my matching mania nights, which start to show off, my team, 7 great people. I am waiting for the next month, for my exams, to make my paper, to enjoy my time. Happy...tired but really really HAPPY!!!!

Un comentariu:

Lou 's hakuna matata land spunea...

pozeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :)
ce tare..cate amintiri si cate momente faine!....

pup, Lou

si nu uita propriul tau motto: walk around with a smile! ;)