duminică, 28 decembrie 2008

for my kiddo...

this is for a dear friend of mine.... kiddo.....i wish you all the luck in the world...and can not wait....to celebrate your new achievement on the 6th.... i am 100% sure of that... i want to be there and to see you taking the first steps in the new year that is about to come....so.... what i want to say is..... Louie... i am very proud of what you are but i'm exalted about what is going to come. All the good luck in the world, kiddo! A big smile for you!!!!

p.s remember this photo?

sâmbătă, 27 decembrie 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!! Am sa inaugurez acest blog in limba romana, nu stiu de ce, dar simt nevoia sa fac asta. A mai trecut un an, al 21-lea craciun petrecut...mi-a adus linistea de care aveam nevoie. Privind in urma la acest an, pot sa zic cu mana pe inima ca a fost unul bestial.... mi-am facut fff multi prieteni, cu cei vechi am impartasit multe chestii, multe nebunii, inca un an de faculta terminat cu bine... doamne....a fost super... tot ce imi doresc pentru urmatorul an e sanatate si putere de munca... si toti oamenii la care tin langa mine....and "the" one. Multe experiente si incercari ma asteapta, si le voi infrunta asa cum fac mereu....cu un zambet....o sa incerc sa imbunatatesc cateva lucruri la mine, sa scap de cateva "bad habbits", si sa ma bucur de nepotelul meu scump si drag.
Un an nou plin de impliniri si lucruri frumoase tuturor!!!
A big hug and a smile for all of you!!!!

marți, 23 decembrie 2008

still a child...

Hello.....such a long time since i've written something, and so many things happened in my life, that i do not know where to start with.

World Citizenship is over. I still can not believe it. Is has been a great project, and also a great period of time, i've made new friends, and lived one of the greatest experieces of my life. No matter the struggle that we put in making this project work, it was alll worthed...thanks Louie...for giving me the opportunity of being part of this project. The trainees are all gone, have reached home safe and sound, and with great memories concerning Romania.

The elections are over, the new bord is elected, almost all of it, except 4 positions,but that will be fixed really soon. I'm not in, but I am really happy, because the people how will lead AIESEC Cluj in the next period are awesome people, friends of mine in which i trust and respect them for their commitment and ability of doing great things.

Vladutz was elected MCP.... which is great, i'm really happy for him and I know he will do great things in the next years. I can not help being proud of the fact that the next MCP in from Cluj.... he deserves it....

What else....o....yes...I'm 21 now. I'm a mature, responsible person.....:))..... ( ya right..) I do not feel any difference.... but....maybe it will come with the time....but until then, I will remain a child...:P

vineri, 28 noiembrie 2008


NPS... a lifetime experience... a moment that i will definitely not forget,a conference that motivated me... got me to realize how much i grew in this last year... brought me back confidence... new friends... and hope... hope to dream and to fight for what i want... it feels so good now... and...i'm smiling....now... i'm preparing for the next 2 weeks....which hopefully will mean the start of a great experience that i will never forget...so...wish me luck....because i know i want it...and that i'm capabile of doing it....smile:)

miercuri, 12 noiembrie 2008


wow....I just can not believe what i'm doing.....I've applied yesterday....for Vp....one of my dreams...and i can not believe i manage to do this....it means so much to me....and the people whom are important for me....are supporting my in this....so....i'm happy....happy ....happy.....and with a lot of expectations....so....i'm smiling.... things are going well in my life....in all plans....so..hopefully...a new stage of my life....is about to begin....

sâmbătă, 8 noiembrie 2008

a kitten and a good friend....made my day,,,,,thnx

a nice weekend.... with a lot to study...but ..as strange as it might seem....i'm really loving it... there are a lot of new things in my live.....new stages which i have to pass over....new things to learn and to live... to discover and to take the most of it.... but in the same time i'm not forgetting my past....my dear friends... one of them has paid my a visit today.....and it was really ok... i loved the company...and there is a new soul in my house as well....which screams a lot..but which i like....a little kitten.....which screams....and screams.....and eats..... so.....this is to..a great past..and to a better future..:)

mature...responsible...and learnig to say no...:)

I've been listening to some friends yesterday.... talking about time... time flies, but your the pilot... a really got input about how to live your life... of what you want to do with your time, and life... in such times you think about the changes that you would like to do in your life....well...more mature....responsible and learning to say no....were the things that a friend said a should improve... more the ultimate part.... so....there will be a attempt to do this things... well..things are going well...form ok..to better....the sun is shining on my street...and i'm happy about it...i'm glad that i'm able to communicate with make new friends.... and have a great time with them...that is what i've been doing for the last 2 weeks....and i really like it....i wish that this project World Citizenship would last longer.....but..in the meanwhile...i will try to get the best of it...

joi, 6 noiembrie 2008

everything will be ok....

a long day.... it's so bad the impression that nothing is going good, that you are struggling to suucced in something and that people around you don't notice you....thank God that there are people who are there to give you a hand....anytime..anywhere..... thanks Louie..for this...i have such a cool feeling to know that i've made new friends, true friends,...whom i can count in any moment of my life......now...i have a busy period.... i hope everything will go out ok...... with school....with Aiesec.....personal life....Globall Village,.... i don't want to dissapoint people.....but...hope never dies...and..never give up.....are the things that i hear....so......i can do this...and i will not give up..... there are people who trust in me....and i will do my best to not letting them down....so....i'm walking with a smile upon my face....

duminică, 2 noiembrie 2008

a purple day..

There are times in your live when you are in such a rush of doing things that you forgot to enjoy the meaning of life....thank God that there are simple things that get you back to that...for me...that was a purple scarf... just an ordinary day....which ended really great...with a lot of achievements, and...most important with a smile... a simple thing like that which gave me confidence and power to start the morning with a smile... so... smile on Monday, it confuses people!:) and...in the meanwhile, I will continue to smile when i see purple...:)